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Web Review: #1


ACTA rejected a victory for internet
July 4, 2012, source inpact PC

The trade agreement anti-counterfeiting (ACTA), which has caused much controversy by his actions deemed too restrictive and anti-democratic by users was rejected by the European Parliament on July 4th with 478 votes against 39, and 169 abstentions.

A great relief to the defenders of the free internet.

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This treaty was drafted by Australia, Canada, South Korea, United Arab Emirates, the United States, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the Union-European aiming for international fight against counterfeiting. This agreement imposed severe restrictions on the right of the intellectual property regarding Internet for member countries.



July 9, 2012, source FrenchWeb

Defining itself as the “Swiss army knife of information” Chronicly is a new site combining information and social networking.
Registration is done by an invitation request.
Chronicly allows the users to gather, format and file all forms of content (text, video, music …) in an accessible format anywhere. It is a kind of notebook or digital memory keeping.
The site also allows you to explore the content posted by other users around six major subjects, which are high-tech, sports, cooking, fashion, news and politics.
Chronicly is still in beta but already offers us a new way to find and share information.



Com’ digitale

For innovative internal communication Norauto
June 27, 2012, source: Golem 13

Norauto has established a “social media wall” to educate employees of the company in his image on social networks.
Being already present (160,000 fans on Facebook) brand needed to involve its employees in its social media strategy.
“The social media wall” currently at the seat of the sign is divided into three screens.

  • The first includes all the contents Twitter and Foursquare, broadcast in real time using the Hashtag # Norauto and the latest check-ins at different centers.
  • The second shows the overall social strategy of the brand with its latest statistics.
  • The last, in turn, diffuse interactions and content from Facebook and Instagram.



Cities and the French regions most present on social networks
July 10, 2012, the source blog moderator

This graphic shows the activity of French cities and regions on social networks.
Today, 4 of 5 regions have their own Facebook page with an average of 3918 fans. The prize goes to Picardy, which has a community of more than 20,000 fans!
In Twitter, 62% of regions and two city have an account on the social network.
Between May and June 2012, the presence of local authorities on social networks increased by approximately 5% on Facebook and Twitter about 8%.
To discover this infographic, click the image below.

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Lego bridge in Germany
July 5, 2012, source Golem 13

Small Danish bricks are in vogue! After Lego construction site launched by Google to promote Chrome, it’s the turn of Martin Heuwold alias MEGX German artist to make, in its way, a tribute to the mini multicolored bricks. It is in the small town of Wuppertal near Dusseldorf we can see a real bridge transformed into Lego pieces. A very successful trompe l’oeil which required 4 weeks of work to the artist.


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