First cultural institution dedicated to the young public of the areas for discovery, the Pompidou Centre opened September 11, 2010 the studio 13/16. This new area of 250 sqm located in the heart of the Centre is exclusively dedicated to teenagers. Its design is signed Mathieu Lehanneur. Until 18 December 2010, the young people of 13-16 years old are invited to a reading of the urban environment through the MACADAM project offering different activities (performances, collective actions) regarding to street art, fashion, design, music, sports, graphics, workshops and meeting with contemporary artists and their works.
During the inauguration in which the Minister of Culture and Communication, Frédéric Mitterrand, took participation, we invited a dozen of bloggers to discover the studio exclusively. They had the opportunity to meet the area designers, the young artists having relation to the exposition Macadam, and also the godfather of the area, Lilian Thuram.
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