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Berliner inspirations, 25 years after falling of the wall

This Sunday the 9th of November, all world celebrated 25th anniversary of Berlin wall. A historic event marking the beginning of the end for the world divided into two parts that inspired different brands for very beautiful campaigns full of meaning.
Storytelling full of Airbnb’s emotions
The site for rental accommodation which slogan is “Belong anywhere” responded to this anniversary with a lot of emotions. Taking literally the famous Kenny word “ich bin ein Berliner”, Airbnb and VCCP Berlin agency launched the campaign “wall and chain” whose piece of bravery is a shocking video animation. It depicts a girl removing her German-born father to Berlin. While there was border guard in front of the wall to the east, it falls immediately on the border guard of other side, separated by the wall for years before going into exile. A film was seen more than 2 million times on youtube.

Doodle of Google
Also playing on emotions, a search engine posted youtube video showing images of Berliners drilling and climbing into the wall at night November 9, 1989 and the pieces of this wall existing everywhere in the world. This is the sequence of international emotion with simple music and without words.

Soundcloud and the memory of concrete music
Audio collaborative platform also marked 25th anniversary of falling of Berlin wall putting on line…the sound of the wall. As its legal address is in Berlin in the former « dead zone », Soundcloud brings a memory haunted by the voice of GRD leaders (Honecker, Ulbricht…) with 7:32 minute sounds recovery which could resound during 27 years along 155 km of Berlin wall. One is shivering from and despite the character perched by experience, the soundcloud page was reviewed about 85 000 times.

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