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[Facebook] Timeline and innovations for brands


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Agence En3mots
Timeline : les nouveautés Facebook
Agence En3Mots Convergence

Facebok, Mobile, Web

& Social media


12 avenue Emile Deschanel

75007 Paris –

*Toutes nos équipes de gestion de projet, de création, et de développement sont situées en France, permettant d’assurer à nos clients l’excellence des prestations et réactivité.

Afin de contribuer au respect de l’environnement, merci de n’imprimer que si nécessaire.

Version texte :

Timeline is the new illustrated presentation of aggregated information on Facebook accounts. Applying the principle of historical frieze and initially tested on users’ profiles, it will be imposed for fan pages from upcoming 30 March.

This is an opportunity for our agency to give you our practical recommendations to make the most of the opportunities offered by this innovation.

1 – Dimension of story telling
With Timeline, Facebook offers to each brand an exceptional opportunity to tell his story. It is therefore essential to work on the contents of all the important dates for the creation of your sign to allow your fans to know you better.
The photo of cover displayed in full at the top of a fan page immediately relates the universe of the brand. Warning: this space however is not intended for promotions, coupons or advertisements.
Timeline allows to highlight a post (illustrated by an image) or a specific event and direct where required to a dedicated application.

2 – New way to generate participations of your fans community:
a – Facebook users can send private messages to the administrator of the fan page.
Some claims or other personal demands will be therefore sent directly to the administrator. This will lead to a reduction of comments on the fan page wall. So that leaves the place for an editorial line and more personal community management.
b – You can choose the parameters, to hide comments posted by users before validation by an administrator.
It is now possible to choose a priori or a posteriori page moderation. Not to lead to your fans frustration, we recommend you to keep the initial principle of moderation a posteriori.

3 – basic statistics on this page are now visible to users.. Your fans will be able to see the change in the number of people talking about you and the number of “likes” on 30 days.

Practical information for your video: :
Cover = 851 x 315 pixels
Profile = 180 x 180 pixels 32 x 32 pixels
Main event: 843 x 403 pixels

    The questions that are legitimately posed to us and our agency answers:
    – Usefulness of a welcome tab knowing that timeline is mandatory landing page?
    => Yes. The installation of an application / welcome tab is more useful than ever as brands have more place to express themselves. The maximum width of applications rose from 620 px to 810 px. It is now possible to integrate a mini-site presenting its activity directly in facebook.
    – What place for are applications with timeline ?
    By putting them forward due to timeline and their “pinned posts”.
    Applications will be also visible at the right top of the page, under the cover photo.

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