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All New Everything organic?

While COP21 fast draws near, the Climate Coalition 21 (which brings together over 130 organizations) has launched its campaign with a short video made public together with BBDP & Son, and the automotive sector is still trembling with fear further to the case of lying on the effects of diesel Volkswagen, brands seem to slightly turn to “green” on social networks. But with a lack of mutual understanding, it’s rather the science that is in the field: accompanying their green products of a very serious and long video, advertisers want to give confidence to the public and prove the “green” character of their new products.

« Mcb » the biologic army of MacDo
The giant of fast food has started from Germany launching their first bio burger with beef raised without antibiotics from October 1st till November 18th. Lively music, landscape images and 4min35 length video sparked off a lively expert discourse, the launch video that is meant to be serious and not necessarily sexy…

Chippotle joue contre les additifs
Remaining true to its recent campaigns (including the beautiful Scarcrow) the Burritos brand makes a nice buzz with retro revival of its game Space Invaders. What is the principle for users? Having the worst additives (sodium, polysorbate …). A nice idea of retrogaming, classic, fun and efficient, signed by GSD & M.


Veuve Cliquot passes to bio packaging
The famous country brand made a noise by mixing science and environment respect. With scientific design by Aachen as well as derived from the new potatoes packaging PaperFoam hyper design Veuve Cliquot keeps drinks fresh and is durable and recyclable. For now, this new packaging advertising, very awaited at Packaging Forum, held in London on 2 and 3 November 2015, is presented in the form of some clichés and a video that is somewhat fun.

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