Hema sells decorative accessories, clothes for babies and children, cosmetics, office, bathroom, stationery, food, groceries, etc. being the boutiques specialized in the home area.
Created in 1926, the brand currently has more than 520 sales outlets in different countries and has been open since September 1, 2010, after Paris-Créteil and Valenciennes, his third point of sale French Lille.
On the occasion of the inauguration of Lille, we were in charge of contacting and inviting ten influential bloggers in order to present the brand in a privileged way. During the evening, participants bloggers could benefit from a visit to preview the store of 500m2 being guided by shops managers and which ended around a buffet
Un nouveau magasin HEMA a ouvert en plein cœur de Paris en décembre 2010. Suite au succès de
l’inauguration lilloise, nous avons invité une dizaine de bloggers influents afin de leur présenter cette
nouvelle boutique. Ils ont pu bénéficier d’une visite en avant-première et discuter avec les responsables
autour d’un buffet.